Case Studies : Brian Fairchild

Brian Fairchild

Brian Fairchild


Book: The Hidden

Brian is the author of the book, The Hidden. It is about the intelligence war between the United States and China that takes place in Zambia.

Brian went with Command Your Brand because he wanted to get his book out and he wanted to get the the message out,

Brian wrote a novel called “The Hidden”. It’s basically about the intelligence war between the United States and China that takes place in Zambia and the title “The Hidden” refers to remaining hidden below China’s surveillance State radar.

We Supported the Author

Brian Fairchild, Former CIA & Author

Brian Fairchild was a Career Central Intelligence Agency case officer for 20 years during the Cold War.

He never stopped being a case officer, as he still considers himself as an intelligence officer and every day he does research and writes analytical papers.

What’s The Value


Brian Fairchild | 15+ Shows

Show Host # of DOWNLOADS
1 Command Your Brand Show Jeremy Ryan Slate 2,000
2 Geopolitics & Empire Hrvoje Morić 3,000
3 Seemingly Ordinary Tim Wuebker 1,400
4 Gareth Icke Tonight Gareth Icke 10,000
5 The Daniel Natal Show Daniel Natal 1,400
6 The Decision Hour Adam Bird 4,100
7 The Wicked Planet Podcast Ron Lane 3,900
8 Deplorable Nation Janet Fox 500
9 Intelligent Conversations Josh Baker 2,000
10 Awakened Nation Brad Szollose 1,300
11 Robert Scott Bell Show Podcast Robert Scott Bell 25,000
12 TNT Radio Hrvoje Morić 2,300
13 Frame of Reference Rauel LaBreche 2,000
14 Dangerous World Podcast Ryan Dean 3,400
15 Rise To Liberty Podcast Jacob Johnson 2,000
16 Hey Human Podcast Susan Ruth 4,000
17 The Gritty Hour Thomas McGeady 2,000
Total Estimated Listenership Reach: 68,300
Podcast Program Ad Rate Total Value($25/CPM*30Min) $51,591.00
Brian Fairchild

“If you’re a guy like me and you’ve got a message to get out or even if you just want to be rich and famous, think  of Command Your Brand… It is worth every penny, so I absolutely recommend it!”

Brian Fairchild

Former CIA turned Author

Tim Alison, Screw the Naysayers Podcast Podcaster

Lance Essihos, Ignite: Podcasting with Purpose Podcaster, Podcast Production Company

Kimi and Pua, Boss Up Media Podcasters, Digital Marketing

Dr. Ann Barter, Alternative Family Medicine Functional Medicine

Grant Wise, Modern Moguls Marketing Real Estate

Courney Lebedzinski, Wholesome Houses Real Estate / Holistic Health

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