Case Studies : Jennifer Iserloh

Jennifer Iserloh

Jennifer Iserloh


Company Name: Superfood Alchemy / Celebrity Chef

Jennifer was well established as a celebrity chef when she came to us. She had perviously had a lot of tier one press, but needed help to launch her book “Superfood Alchemy.”

We needed to position her on the right shows to fit her unique spin on natural health and match her vibe.

Jennifer is a classically trained chef, that has been personal chef for celebrities like Jerry Seinfeld and Annie Lebowitz. She regularly appears on TV like Fox News and the Today Show. 

We Booked Top Health Podcasts

Not only did Jennifer sell a Multitude of books contributing to her best-seller, she also Locked In two high-end clients out of her program.

Wise Woman Podcast

The Truth of Transformation

What’s The Value


Jennifer Iserloh A TOTAL-13 shows

1 Expect Miracles Podcast Dr. Kevin Pecca 1000
2 Nutrition Hero Podcast Brad Watts 1000
3 A Medicinal Mind Dr. Robert Abbott 1000
4 The Fearless Women's Podcast Dr. Madalyn Turner 1000
5 LIVETHEFUEL Scott Mulvaney 3000
6 Exploring Body and Mind Drew Taddia 4000
7 Fit Fierce and Fabulous Podcast Courtney Violet Bentley 1000
8 FitFluential Radio Kelly Olexa 1000
9 The Keto Savage Podcast Robert Sikes 8900
10 Essentially You Dr. Mariza Snyder 11200
11 The Fat-Burning Man Show Abel James 68000
12 The Rise & Conquer Podcast Georgie Stevenson 16000
13 Wise Woman Podcast Erin Rachel Doppelt 2000
Total Estimated Listenership Reach: 119,100
Podcast Program Ad Rate Total Value($25/CPMx30min) $89,325.00
Jennifer Iserloh

“I also got TWO CLIENTS from my program!”

Jennifer Iserloh

Author, Super Food Alchemy

Analyzing Our Results…

Our goal was to get Adi next to top influencers as the positioning for her program was to build her influence personally as well as increase the exposure of Teami Blends.

We got her booked on many high visibility shows as for her the quality of show and the quality of the influencer that she was spending time with was vital to brand growth. 

We connected her with awesome influencers like Elena Cardone, Brad Lea, Sunny Lenarduzzi and Chalene Jonnson; vital to her branding and the company branding.


Tim Alison, Screw the Naysayers Podcast Podcaster

Lance Essihos, Ignite: Podcasting with Purpose Podcaster, Podcast Production Company

Kimi and Pua, Boss Up Media Podcasters, Digital Marketing

Dr. Ann Barter, Alternative Family Medicine Functional Medicine

Grant Wise, Modern Moguls Marketing Real Estate

Courney Lebedzinski, Wholesome Houses Real Estate / Holistic Health

Ready to See How We Can Help?

Book a 30 minute call below and find out from one of our experts how we can help you to get the results you’ve been looking for by appearing on top rated podcasts.

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