Case Studies : James Arthur & Bersabeh Ray

James Arthur & Bersabeh Ray

James Arthur & Bersabeh Ray


Company Name: Harmonic Wealth

Someone mentioned your company to us and we got we got referred to Command Your Brand.

The onboarding process was interesting. They asked a lot of questions, so they’ll got a lot of details about you (clients) – like about who your target audiences and what you’re looking for, what kind of message do you have and why you’re doing what you’re doing with the podcast. It was really thorough. That made us feel like,  “Okay, this could be something solid that we’re working with them (CYB)”.

The value I received was, I actually got a little bit more more clear as to what we’re doing and to get a little bit more niched as what our message is and what we’re going after – that was a value received and it was very organized which we love and it was thorough. It was fantastic!

Harmonic Wealth will propel you to where you want to go. This practical, results-based book will help you to push beyond your self-imposed limitations and show you how to get past all the reasons you think you can’t have what you want.

We Supported the Founders…

James Arthur Ray

James is the author of six internationally best-selling books including his New York Times bestseller HARMONIC WEALTH: The Secret to Attracting the Life You Want; and a co-author and contributor to THE SECRET.

Ray has worked with over 1 million people from 145 countries through his audio, video, coaching, and life and business leadership programs. Over 1 million people have attended his live events worldwide.

Bersabeh Ray

Bersabeh has been extremely gifted since very early in life with an intuitive ability that goes far beyond her own logic; and she is very practical.
In these 55-minute consultations Bersabeh utilizes her skill to tap into what Carl Jung calls the “Collective Consciousness” and uncovers blocks, hinderances and early life trauma in your life. She uncovers what’s keeping you stuck and holding you back, even when you are completely unaware of what it is.
She then masterfully utilizes her unique ability to help you heal and integrate these issues and literally set yourself free.

What’s The Value


James Arthur & Bersabeh Ray : 30 Shows

Show Host # of DOWNLOADS
1 Command Your Brand Show Jeremy Ryan Slate 2,000
2 Surviving Trauma: Stories of Hope Marlene McConnell 2,000
3 Moving To Oneness Meilin Ehlke 2,000
4 Inspiring Possibilities Julien Marion 4,000
5 UnBound - A Podcast to Self Discovery Mamtaa 4,000
6 MatChat with Mina Blair Mina Blair 2,000
7 Create Your Own Life Jeremy Ryan Slate 1,400
8 The Super Human Life Frank Rich 2,000
9 The Malliard Report Jim Malliard 1,000
10 Man Up, Already! John C. Puritz 2,700
11 Charisma Quotient: Build Confidence, Make Connections and Find Love Kimmy Seltzer 4,000
12 Rise To Liberty Podcast Jacob Johnson 2,000
13 Awakened Nation Brad Szollose 1,300
14 Linda's Corner: Hope - Healing - Happiness Linda Bjork 1,100
15 Robert Scott Bell Show Podcast Robert Scott Bell 20,833
16 The Daniel Natal Show Daniel Natal 500
17 The Eric Mueller Show Eric Mueller 4,000
18 The Michael Decon Program Michael Decon 7,800
19 Big Questions Cal Fussman 33,000
20 Frame of Reference Rauel LaBreche 2,000
21 Gareth Icke Tonight Gareth Icke 10,000
22 The Gritty Hour The Gritty Hour 2,000
23 Just Minding My Business Ida Crawford & Ruth Haskins 2,000
24 Cleared Hot Andy Stumpf 100,900
25 Hey Human Podcast Susan Ruth 4,000
26 Whinypaluza Rebecca Greene 2,100
27 Grow Your Business and Grow Your Wealth Gary Heldt 2,000
28 Seemingly Ordinary Tim Wuebker 1,400
29 Lead on Purpose James Laughlin 1,100
30 Stories that Empower Sean Farjadi 3,000
Total Estimated Listenership Reach: 226,133
Podcast Program Ad Rate Total Value($25/CPM*30Min) $169,599

“Command Your Brand is a great decision for you!

They’re professionals, they’re on top of things, they take their time to really get to know their clients and the longer your relationship continues, the better and better it becomes.”

James Arthur & Bersabeh Ray

Founders, Harmonic Wealth

Tim Alison, Screw the Naysayers Podcast Podcaster

Lance Essihos, Ignite: Podcasting with Purpose Podcaster, Podcast Production Company

Kimi and Pua, Boss Up Media Podcasters, Digital Marketing

Dr. Ann Barter, Alternative Family Medicine Functional Medicine

Grant Wise, Modern Moguls Marketing Real Estate

Courney Lebedzinski, Wholesome Houses Real Estate / Holistic Health

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