Case Studies : Dr. Michael Biamonte

Dr. Michael Biamonte

Case Studies : Dr. Michael Biamonte


Company Name: Biamonte Center for Clinical Nutrition

Michael Biamonte is the founder of the Biamonte Center for Clinical Nutrition. He is a co-creator of BioCybernetics, which is an unprecedented computer software program that is able to study blood work, mineral tests and many other lab tests to determine exactly where your body is imbalanced initially designed for aerospace purposes.  As a practitioner for over 30 years, he is dedicated to improving the lives of his patients and helping them get back to living.  He holds a Doctorate of Nutripathy and is a New York State certified Clinical Nutritionist. He is a professional member of the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists, The American College of Nutrition and is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Clinical Nutrition Certification Board. 

Michael is listed in “The Directory of Distinguished Americans” for his research in Nutrition and Physiology.

Talking Points


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Dr. Michael Biamonte - 31 SHOWS

Show Host Est Reach
1   Command Your Brand Show Jeremy Slate 2,000
2   The Perfect Stool Understanding and Healing the Gut Microbiome Lindsey Parsons 4,400
3   drabshealthcast Dr. Bryan Abasolo D.C 1,000
4   Waist Away: The Intermittent Fasting & Weight Loss Podcast Chantel Ray 26,300
5   The Evolved Caveman Dr. John Schinnerer 2,000
6   High Energy Girl Tracee Gluhaich 6,000
7   Strong By Design Podcast Chris Wilson 3,000
8   The Dirobi Health Show Dave Sherwin 4000
9   Inside Out Health Coach Tara Garrison 2,000
10   Stuff your Doctor should know Kitty Martone 451
11   Gut Health Reset Dr. Ann Barter 2,000
12   Tom Bentey Media Podcast Tom Bentey 1,800
13   The Biohacking Secrets Show Anthony DiClementi 4,900
14   Living Life Naturally Lynne Wadsworth 900
15   Learn True Health with Ashley James Ashley James 24,600
16   Mindfully Integrative Show Dr. Damaris Grossmann 1,000
17   The Rebel Health Coach Thom Underwood 2,000
18   Therapeutic Food Solutions Marian Mitchell 2,000
19   The Keto Diet Podcast Leanne Vogel 123,000
20   Masculine Health Solutions CJ Rodriguez 1,800
21   The Natural Health Rising Podcast Rachel Smith 3,300
22   enCOURAGEing wellness Pamela Wirth 4,000
23   Human Powered Life Podcast (FORMERLY: Lifestyle Locker Radio Podcast) Dr. Josh Handt 2,000
24   Your Health Transformed Dr. Franchell Hamilton 2,800
25   Forever Fit with Carol Covino Carol Covino 2,000
26   Finding Genius Podcast Richard Jacobs 1,000
27   THE EXPLODING HUMAN with Bob Nickman Bob Nickman 2,000
28   Therapeutic Food Solutions Marian Mitchell 2,000
29   Learn True Health with Ashley James Ashley James> 24,600
30   The Resolution Revolution Summit (speaking engagement!) Lauren Sanchez NA
31   Therapeutic Food Solutions-Therapeutic Diet, Chronic Illness, Autoimmune, Food Solutions, Go Paleo, Gluten-Free, Disease Mana Marian Mitchell 2,000
Podcast Program Est. Total Reach 281,451
Podcast Program Ad Rate Total Value($25/CPM*30Min) $211,088.00
Case Studies : Dr. Michael Biamonte

He is a co-creator of BioCybernetics, which is an unprecedented computer software program that is able to study blood work, mineral tests and many other lab tests to determine exactly where your body is imbalanced initially designed for aerospace purposes. 

Dr. Michael Biamonte

Founder, Biamonte Center for Clinical Nutrition

Analyzing Our Results…

Our goal was to get Adi next to top influencers as the positioning for her program was to build her influence personally as well as increase the exposure of Teami Blends.

We got her booked on many high visibility shows as for her the quality of show and the quality of the influencer that she was spending time with was vital to brand growth. 

We connected her with awesome influencers like Elena Cardone, Brad Lea, Sunny Lenarduzzi and Chalene Jonnson; vital to her branding and the company branding.


Tim Alison, Screw the Naysayers Podcast Podcaster

Lance Essihos, Ignite: Podcasting with Purpose Podcaster, Podcast Production Company

Kimi and Pua, Boss Up Media Podcasters, Digital Marketing

Dr. Ann Barter, Alternative Family Medicine Functional Medicine

Grant Wise, Modern Moguls Marketing Real Estate

Courney Lebedzinski, Wholesome Houses Real Estate / Holistic Health

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