Case Studies : Jeffrey Williams

Vitalist Life


Company Name: Vitalist Life

Jeffrey Williams came to Command Your Brand because, first, he has a friend who had used Command Your Brand’s services before, and his friend just said it was absolutely brilliant, like, concierge level service.

Since Jeffrey really wanted to grow his brand, get himself out there, and find the right podcasts.

While Jeffrey has been on quite a few podcasts, it just wasn’t consistent. He found that Command Your Brand can really help visionary founders, like him, go on the right podcast shows out there.

Over the years, as a synthesis of the most critical and effective means of staying vital and evolving was developed, it became clear this was something new, yet grounded in the tried and true.  

This was a Vitalist Approach. It acknowledges the wisdom and vital forces of the body, and at the same time enhances the body function through diminishing stress, tension,  and distortion from the body and its systems.  

Simultaneously, a Vitalist accesses the mental motors that are driving you through your life, your unique motivations and inspirations.

By freeing the body to live with more vitality and resilience and aligning the mind to what is most important to you, you come alive in your amazing life, your creation.

We Supported the CEO…

jeffrey Williams, CEO

With a passion spanning over two decades, Jeffrey Williams is a transformation artist deeply immersed in unraveling the human body’s potential. Through intensive study of traditional and modern wellness systems worldwide, he has become a guide for diverse individuals, employing a spectrum of high-impact teachings in bodywork, sound, breath, values, and movement. Jeffrey’s coaching and training programs such as the Autonomic Nervous System Reset empower other practitioners and individuals alike to seize control of their health journey, fostering vitality and a life lived to its fullest potential.

What’s The Value


Jeffrey Williams | 15 Shows

Show Host # of DOWNLOADS
1 Command Your Brand Show Jeremy Slate 2,000
2 Therapeutic Food Solutions Marian Mitchell 2,000
3 The Beautifully Balanced Podcast Samantha Dinnage 2,000
4 How's Your Health? Podcast Jaymie Icke 10,000
5 Human Optimization Podcast Lisa Pitel-Killah 4,100
6 Protecting Your NEST Dr. Tony Hampton 2,000
7 The Low Carb Hustle Podcast Nate Palmer 5,200
8 What the Health?!? The Doctor's Chat Greg Eckel 2,000
9 Wellness By Design Jane Hogan 2,000
10 Modern Masculinity Hector Santiesteban 100
11 Rewire The Podcast Cait Ross & Lindsay Mitchell 500
12 The Dr. Haley Show Dr. Michael Haley 2,000
13 Finding Genius Podcast Richard Jacobs 1,000
14 LIVETHEFUEL Scott Mulvaney 2,000
15 The Crooked Spine Show Dr. Anthony Ratkovic 2,000
Total Estimated Listenership Reach: 36,900
Podcast Program Ad Rate Total Value($25/CPM*30Min) $27,675.00

“I strongly recommend Command Your Brand!

Especially, I think, if you’re trying to get into the podcast world and you have a message, you have something you wanna share, but you don’t necessarily do media well or you don’t already have a bunch of experience putting on podcasts or being on podcasts, Command Your Brand is gonna make it happen, and they’re going to kind of grease the wheels in your whole marketing and PR that in a way that you haven’t done before, and they do it really well.”

Jeffrey Williams

CEO, Vitalist Life

Tim Alison, Screw the Naysayers Podcast Podcaster

Lance Essihos, Ignite: Podcasting with Purpose Podcaster, Podcast Production Company

Kimi and Pua, Boss Up Media Podcasters, Digital Marketing

Dr. Ann Barter, Alternative Family Medicine Functional Medicine

Grant Wise, Modern Moguls Marketing Real Estate

Courney Lebedzinski, Wholesome Houses Real Estate / Holistic Health

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