46 Cole Rodgers | Masculinity, Responsibility and Being A Real Man in 2022
About This Episode:
Cole Rodgers is the founder of School of Man – an organization that builds real men through a raw and real vulnerability in order to crack the code to have it all.
Cole is a leading minister of impact who has come from the brink of divorce, battling substance use, all while losing his way, achieved what all men seek – freedom. He liberated himself and in turn has liberated men across the globe and allowed them to truly be free and not just exist.
A leader in mindset, he has also set the world burpee record in 24 hours, conquered multiple endurance events, and is on a quest to maximize his potential while helping others do the same.
Cole has a beautiful wife, Ashley, and two beautiful children – Ava Madison and Landon. They live in Little Rock, Arkansas and he loves nothing more than spending time with them, making memories, and seeking adventure.
Find out more about Cole at:
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