64 Julia Barbaro | How A Homeschool Mom of 6 Navigated Life’s Challenges & Overcome Doubts

64 Julia Barbaro | How A Homeschool Mom of 6 Navigated Life’s Challenges & Overcome Doubts

About This Episode:
Julia Barbaro is a homeschooling mom of six children, wife, certified life and marriage coach and author. She is an integral part of the behind-the-scenes operations of her husband, Gino’s, business ventures, including Jake & Gino and the Rand family of companies.

Julia was inspired to become a certified life and marriage coach after witnessing the power of coaching. She felt compelled to give back and motivate others to set goals, seek out their soul purpose, and ask what’s next in their life. Julia’s passion is to empower couples to strengthen their mind, their communication, overcome obstacles, and seek clarity. Together, she helps them create a life plan for themselves as well as encouraging parents to guide their children to adulthood.

Julia is the author of “The Cannolis Exploded!” and “A Gelato Blast!” children’s books about decision making and different paths we can take in life. Julia and her family live in St. Augustine, Florida where they enjoy the old city and the simple beach life.

Find out more about Julia at:
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Instagram Julia
YouTube | Julia and Gino Podcast Playlist

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