89 Richard Vinhais | How Community & Human Connections Are The REAL Collection

89 Richard Vinhais | How Community & Human Connections Are The REAL Collection

About This Episode:
Rich joined WAX, a watch collecting community, in 2021 after a 20 year career spanning management consulting in technology, financial services, and the occasional startup. A longtime watch collector, Rich’s obsession began in high school after a friend gifted him a Swiss army watch. From there, the fine details of these mechanical marvels captured his imagination. Eventually, it led him to exploring the people and communities that shared the same fascination.

In late 2018, Rich published ‘Discovering Time: Stories from a Collector Community’, in which he shared an intimate glimpse into the global subculture of watch collecting and the phenomenon of “watch meet-ups” that are common today. In addition to watches, Rich is a collector of many other things, such as art, sneakers, and the occasional bottle of rare whiskey. He relaxes by making random art of his own and spending time with his family, who reside firmly at the center of his universe.

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